Expert Therapy &
Counselling Services
Hello, I am Marlene, your go-to mental health specialist in Manitoba, Canada. I am well experienced in helping individuals and couples have more meaningful relationships and feel better about themselves.
I focus on the goals you want to achieve.
I believe that in connecting with you, I can bring about positive changes you’re looking for.
I Can Help You Move Forward
It could be learning to let go of past hurts, reframing the way you see things, taking a closer look at what is yours vs. not yours, and there may be a possibility of forgiveness. All of these can help you to move forward.
I believe that personal growth will be a truly life-changing experience for you. I have helped many people in the past, and I can help you too.
I’m glad you’re here. Now, how can I help? Call (204) 415-2828 to speak with me.

Depression Counselling in Winnipeg, Manitoba
More than a few things can cause depression. You may have lost someone close to you, or you may be having conflict in a relationship, or you may be going through a significant change. When you or someone you love has experienced a loss, a change, or conflict, one's mood can be affected. In therapy, we will focus on the concern and find ways to help you feel better.
Symptoms Experienced
If you feel you’re experiencing the following symptoms, it could be useful to get some professional help.
An acquaintance of mine had lost a parent about a year ago and found that they were feeling lost and hopeless. They thought they had grieved their parent but realized that as time went on, they were feeling worse. Upon seeking professional help, they were able to work through the pain, and their mood lifted back to normal.
For Depression Counselling, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.
Anxiety Counselling in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Anxiety can be experienced when the body feels overwhelmed. Using different techniques, one can learn to calm the body and the mind. It is not uncommon to have anxious feelings from time to time, especially when life is stressful. It becomes more of a challenge when those feelings are all too frequent, and it starts to affect your life too often. When this happens, Adrenalin enters the bloodstream in small amounts and manifests as concern, stress, and worry.
One of the ways this can be changed is by relaxing our bodies by using breathing techniques to calm the body down. When our body relaxes, our mind relaxes and vice versa.
For Anxiety Therapy, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.

Relationship Therapy in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Relationship therapy explores the triggers that can be experienced with others and also with oneself.
Relationship With Others
As individuals, we have our history, personalities, environments that shape who we are. When we are brought into a relationship with others, they have also had all those criteria in shaping them.
This can lead to good relationships if we are more like-minded, or it can cause us discomfort because of the differences. Often, the discomfort triggers us.
We meet a person that we like and start a relationship with them. After a short while, we start to feel irritated with a particular thing they do, like talking quite loudly. We ask them to tone it down, but nothing changes, and it becomes a huge issue. There is something about that loud voice that is a trigger. Upon further self-reflection, we realize that there was someone in our past who had a loud voice, and we did not have a good relationship with them. This partner is not that person from the past.
For Relationship Therapy/Counselling, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.

Grief Counselling in Winnipeg, Manitoba
All of us experience losses. Sometimes, unresolved issues can make the loss more difficult to process. Let's talk. We face losses throughout our lives, loved ones, health issues, broken relationships, to name a few. These are challenging times for us. There is no right or wrong amount of time that it takes for us to come to accept these losses. What can happen, though, is that we can be in a place that no matter how long it has been, that is as tough as when we experienced the loss.
We might lose interest in the things we used to enjoy, isolate ourselves more and more, and feel like giving up. When we realize this, it would be best to seek professional help. With the help of a therapist, we can work through the pain so that we can live our lives more healthily.
For Grief/Losses Counselling, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.
Marriage Therapy in Winnipeg, Manitoba
The better we understand ourselves, the more we can share with our partner. In this relationship, one key piece is in recognizing our partners' strengths. We all like to be validated about our strengths versus being told what we are not good at.
For Marriage Counselling, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.

Self Love Therapy in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Loving ourselves is where it all starts. When we love, accept, and take some time to feed ourselves, we can live our best life.
Ways to Develop Self-Love
When we just give to others and don't care for ourselves, we might feel empty. When we care for ourselves lovingly, we have so much more to give to others.
For Self Love Therapy, Contact Winnipeg’s Experienced Mental Health, Marriage & Family Counsellor.